PROPELLER ISLAND'S GIANT GONGS Sample CD P.I. 07 (not as CD-ROM available)
This CD includes a unique collection of gong sounds. You will be impressed
how many colours these big and heavy disks can offer, depending on it's
diameter, form and the striking tecnique.
The CD is devided into four different parts. For the standard use you will
prefer to sample from the first two parts, and for pop, tekkno or experimetal
avant garde you will scroll to one of the last two parts that offer some
realy wild stuff!
The first part offers a sound set being recorded at the Propeller Island
Studios in the finest stereo quality, using customized high end microphones
close to the gongs. Sometimes you can hear clearly the clicking of the
mallet when beating the gong.
The second part's gong set was recorded at the famous Salvatore Church
in Berlin, offering the very nice ambience of this room. The microphone
position was about 30 meters off the gongs for an optimum of sound developement.
The third part is called FX gongs. Here you find sounds modified by heavy
equalization, filterings and different envelope curves. These samples sound
less gong like but natural and they are very useful in percussion sets.
The moving gongs are swinging ones around the microphones after hitting
In the fourth part called processed gongs you will find computergenerated
sounds derived from the original gong sounds. The effects are heavy and
spacy, and sometimes the origin is no more recognizeable. The infinete
waves and space ambiences were derived from different gong wave forms using
infinite reverb algorythms.
Originaly the gongs have release times of up to 90 seconds. To reduce memory
consumption, all gong samples were faded (!) using different curves depending
on the most natural sounding effect. All sounds are normalized, but not
the church gongs to keep the natural dynamics.